Automatically upload your Dialpad Transcripts into your Clio Manage

With LegalMate, each time you make a call in Dialpad, a communication record is created in Clio—and we automatically upload the transcript, keeping everything organized without any extra work.
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Join the growing list of law firms automating their workflows
Dialpad to Clio Manage integration
Sync your call transcripts automatically into Clio Manage

Integration Details

With our Dialpad automation, every call transcript is uploaded directly into Clio, making all call content fully searchable. Without this feature, Clio only reflects that a call happened, without any searchable details. But with this automation, you can use Clio’s search to locate specific keywords or phrases mentioned in calls, allowing you to quickly find crucial information and insights from past conversations. This integration enhances Clio’s functionality, helping you retrieve client details and context instantly, right when you need it.
Trigger - when this happens
Dialpad records your calls and creates a transcript for your records.
action - then do this
After your call, we’ll upload both the Dialpad transcript and a link to the recording right into your Clio Communications for easy access.
LegalMate’s automation has been essential in reducing the amount of time and effort it takes us to complete a case
As a Certified Clio Partner, we've designed automations that connect directly to Clio that you can trust.
integrate with stuff

Get more out
of your existing legal tools

LegalMate integrates with any legal and general business software you use for your firm including Office 365, Outlook, Clio Manage, Gmail, Dropbox, MyCase, Acuity, Dialpad, Lawmatics and more.
Frequently asked questions

You should have questions

Do I have to set it up myself?

No, you do not. We've designed our pre-built automations to be implemented within your firm seamlessly and effortlessly. Once we set it up together, there should be little to no management required going forward.

How long does it take to set up?

To make sure you have a seamless and easy experience, we'll schedule a 30 minute call to help you set up your automation. After the call, you'll be all set up and we will be available for help if needed!

What type of Dialpad plan do I need?

You will need to be on any one of the paid plans DialPad offers.

What data gets transferred from Dialpad to Clio Manage?

The data transferred will include your call record via the existing DialPad and Clio integration. Our automation will then include a link to your call and the transcript that allows you to access all within one place.

What happens if there is a problem?

We have a number of checks and balances to ensure your automation will run smoothly. However, in the case that you are needing any type of support, you'll have the CEO's personal phone number you can contact. We really mean that.

Automation is for you if...

You’re overwhelmed with the number of cases you have on the go at any given time.
You’re behind or always worried about sending status updates to your clients.
You’re unsure if your immigration forms are accurate and how to identify the mistakes.
You lose repeat clients when they reach new immigration milestones because you don’t have a great way to track cases
You feel like your cases could be moving faster.
You’re worried about your clients missing future opportunities.
LegalMate’s automation has been essential in reducing the amount of time and effort it takes us to complete a case
“Our firm hired LegalMate to create an essential workflow automation for different immigration fillings, submitted applications and various essential notices. Before the automation, this was all done manually. LegalMate has automated it all!
Karen Jones
KW Law